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See Your Child Off To School with Good Vision



As you might have guessed, a lot of progress at school is accomplished visually. Yet interestingly, in spite of this overt correlation between eyesight and learning, a lot of people don't seem to be aware of just how frequently occurring vision problems are, and don't get their child's eyes examined frequently enough. It's important to know that because vision in kids changes, regular eye care is crucial to good school results and self esteem.

As children go through school, it becomes increasingly important to monitor their eyesight. Some warning symptoms include not properly seeing numbers or letters, frequently watering eyes, eye rubbing, squinting, avoiding small print, and head tilting.

Struggling to meet the visual demands of schoolwork may affect his or her performance. Recently developed educational technology, such as interactive whiteboards, can also potentially exacerbate previously hidden vision issues. Without adequate vision, students may suffer not only in the classroom, but also mentally, physically and emotionally.

If your child has already been tested for and fitted with glasses, the start of the school year is a perfect time to consider getting some newer frames. If children don't feel good in their glasses, they will probably avoid wearing them.

So be sure to make an appointment to see us when you're getting your children all ready for their year. We'll help your child begin the new school year with excellent vision.